Gigapipe Plans and Options

🐣 "All you can Eat" Plans

We keep it simple: Gigapipe plans are price-locked and usage is unmetered
The only limitation are your plan's resources (storage/cpu/ram/etc)

Total: €275/month
Sign Up
Base plan: €275/month
You save €550 per year with annual billing!

🗨️ Need a custom configurations or multiple hosts? Contact our Team

🐣 Service Capacity

  • Unmetered ingestion for Logs, Metrics, Traces and Profiles
    • ♻️ data is automatically rotated when free storage is < 90%
    • ♻️ 1TB space w/ 500GB of ingestion/month = 2 months of retention
  • Unlimited query access to Logs, Metrics, Traces and Profiles
    • ♻️ query speed and performance are limited by the node vCPU/RAM
    • ♻️ services might degrade when overloaded - add node(s) or upgrade

🐣 Service Availability

  • ❎ Single node plans do not feature High-Availability, Failover or Redundancy
  • ✅ Multiple nodes can be combined for High-Availability, Failover or Redundancy

⚖️ Services are provided by Gigapipe and its partners under the Gigapipe Service Terms