Welcome to your ready-to-use managed Observability stack - just add data ☘️
scoped token
to read/write data⭐ Use any Loki compatible Agent or Client
📦 Grafana Alloy
📦 Grafana Agent
📦 Vector
📦 Opentelemetry
📦 Telegraf
📦 Fluentd
📦 Logstash
⭐ Explore Logs using the native Loki Datasource
There's no step 5! You're already done! 🎉
If you've used Grafana or Grafana Cloud before, You will feel right at home.
... and since there's nothing new to learn, the Team can just focus on data.
Whoo-hoo! 🎉
Dealing with a high-cardinality dataset? Keep your performance in check with our advanced options.
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