⚙️ Configuration

gigapipe has no configuration files by design - just ENV variables

Gigapipe OSS is K8s and Docker container friendly 😉


Each setup is different and requirements depend on the amount and volume of data and labels ingested.

Make sure you have sufficient memory and disk resources allocated for your node service and clickhouse server when dealing with large amounts of data and fingerprints. We suggest 8GB RAM or higher for most setups with 100k-1M fingerprints. Observe your daily and weekly data consumption to forecast your disk usage requirements. Compression codecs and other optimizations can be performed at the ClickHouse level. When in doubt, ask the community for suggestions.


The following ENV parameters can be used to control gigapipe parameters and its backend settings

All parameters are optional, except for the CLICKHOUSE_SERVER related settings

ENV Default Usage
CLICKHOUSE_SERVER localhost Clickhouse Server address
CLICKHOUSE_PORT 9000 Clickhouse Server port (binary)
CLICKHOUSE_DB qryn Clickhouse Database Name
CLICKHOUSE_AUTH default: Clickhouse Authentication (user:password)
CLICKHOUSE_PROTO tcp Clickhouse Protocol (tcp, tls)
CLICKHOUSE_TIMEFIELD record_datetime Clickhouse DateTime column for native queries
CLUSTER_NAME undefined Clickhouse Cluster name
STORAGE_POLICY undefined Clickhouse Cluster storage policy
BULK_MAXAGE 2000 Max Age for Bulk Inserts
BULK_MAXSIZE 5000 Max Size for Bulk Inserts
BULK_MAXCACHE 50000 Max Labels in Memory Cache
LABELS_DAYS 7 Max Days before Label rotation
SAMPLES_DAYS 7 Max Days before Timeseries rotation
QRYN_LOGIN undefined Basic HTTP Username
QRYN_PASSWORD undefined Basic HTTP Password
READONLY false Readonly Mode, no DB Init
OMIT_CREATE_TABLES false Omit database provisioning on startup. Dangerous.
ADVANCED_PROMETHEUS_MAX_SAMPLES 5000000 Max samples per a promql request
CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN. * CORS Allow Origin, default to any
TEMPO_SPAN 24 Default span for Tempo queries in hours
TEMPO_TAGTRACE false Optional tagging of TraceID (expensive)
DEBUG false Debug Mode (for backwards compatibility)
LOG_LEVEL info Log Level
HASH xxhash64 Hash function using for fingerprints. Currently supported short-hash and xxhash64 (xxhash64 function)
ALERTMAN_URL false Alertmanager API URL, ie: http://my_alertmanager_url:1234
ADVANCED_SAMPLES_ORDERING timestamp_ns Specify the 'ORDER BY' your samples table should use (for multiple use comma-separated list fingerprint,timestamp_ns)
BULK_MAX_SIZE_BYTE max size of the bulk in bytes (empty = infinite)
BULK_MAX_AGE_MS 100 max age of the bulk in milliseconds. Minimum value 100ms
MODE all all, writer, reader, init_only (init db and exit)