Gigapipe is powered by the latest version of qryn and supports the following APIs
Name | Type | OSS | CLOUD | APIs. |
Push | POST | 🟢 | 🟢 | /loki/api/v1/push |
Query | GET | 🟢 | 🟢 | /loki/api/v1/query |
Query Range | GET | 🟢 | 🟢 | /loki/api/v1/query_range |
Labels | GET | 🟢 | 🟢 | /loki/api/v1/label |
Label Values | GET | 🟢 | 🟢 | /loki/api/v1/label/name/values |
Tail | GET | 🟢 | 🟢 | /loki/api/v1/tail |
Ready | GET | 🟢 | 🟢 | /ready |
⭐ Any Loki compatible client can be used without modifications
📦 Grafana Alloy
📦 Grafana Agent
📦 Vector
📦 Opentelemetry
📦 Telegraf
📦 Fluentd
📦 Logstash