Gigapipe provides a polyglot and robust data ingestion API - supporting logs, metrics, traces, profiling - compatibile with a wide range of protocols, agents, and APIs
💡 Gigapipe supports Log ingestion from multiple sources
🪵 Loki: Ready for integration with Grafana Loki-compatible sources
🪵 OpenTelemetry Logs: For cross-platform, standardized logging
🪵 InfluxDB: Supports log ingestion from InfluxDB sources
🪵 Elastic: For structured log ingestion compatible with Elastic Stack
🪵 Syslog: Standard protocol for Unix-based systems and network devices
📦 Grafana Alloy
📦 Fluentd / Fluent Bit
📦 Filebeat
📦 Logstash
📦 Vector
📦 Amazon CloudWatch Agent